If you’ve been involved in any business for more than five years, you’ve likely been through some type of transformation. And chances are you’ve seen some heavy resistance to change within the operational model. Disruption through emerging technology is inevitable. As a leader in an organization, it’s important to welcome new technology with open arms. You have to use technology as a strategic resource for your business.
Digital Transformation as a Strategic Resource
Digital transformation is incorporating emerging technology into your business as a strategic resource that has not been used in the past. Think of it as adding technology into your operations and/or products to make your business even better. Adding technology into your business is inevitable unless you want to repeat what Blockbuster did by denying the direction of TV and video consumption. It’s better to make the change early so your business isn’t scrambling to play catch-up.
When it comes to businesses, the best example of digital transformation done right is the automobile industry. Over the past decade, we’ve seen automobile companies start to incorporate technology into their products – from GPS to Bluetooth telephone and audio applications. If you were to buy a new car, would you buy one that had no technology integration at all? Or opt for the car that has the latest technological capabilities?
Keep the Momentum Going
Consumer expectations change so fast that it can be tricky to keep up with their demands. Adapting sooner rather than later makes keeping up with the change much easier. The key to using technology as a strategic resource is to keep the momentum going. If done correctly, a digital transformation should be a complete operational reboot. Once you adopt emerging technology, it will become one of your top strategic resources, something that you will naturally lean towards to push your business to new heights.
If your business was not previously using emerging technology, then the change will cause a disruption – but one that will only continue to benefit your business in the long run. Wading through disruption as a leader in business will likely be met with resistance. But resistance should be anticipated. It’s how you handle it.
The Future of Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is a journey – meaning that your team needs to implement a long-term vision for what success looks like through the use of technology. Looking at the Future Picture and staying agile in the short-term enables your team to cohesively work towards an aligned goal. Going back to the automobile industry, think about how we went from GPS and Bluetooth being state-of-the-art to cars that now drive themselves. Staying agile is key.
Digital transformation is a journey.
As the market changes, your destination shouldn’t change, but rather the path you’re taking to reach the end destination should. Keeping up with consumer expectations is like driving down an endless road. There are bound to be some changes along the path to success. As long as you’re leveraging new technology, the paths you take will lead you towards the Future Picture.
If you’re still not sure how your team should be taking advantage of digital transformation, check out our podcast, “What the Digital Transformation Means for You,” or get in touch with us here to talk about how we can help you nail your strategic goals.